Paper presented by Dr. Dany Gaspard Saturday 7th of September as part of the Regional Meeting of the SLP - Hammoud Hospital: 16.20-16.40: Méthodes Diagnostiques de la...
Méthodes Diagnostiques de la Pathologie Interstitielle – Dr. Dany GASPARD

Paper presented by Dr. Dany Gaspard Saturday 7th of September as part of the Regional Meeting of the SLP - Hammoud Hospital: 16.20-16.40: Méthodes Diagnostiques de la...
Paper presented by Dr. Wissam Ghanaoui, Saturday 7th of September as part of the Regional Meeting of the SLP - Hammoud Hospital: 15.30-15.50: Which Patients With IPF Should be...
The Summer Regional Meeting of the Lebanese Pulmonary Society will be held September 7-8, 2019 in Hammoud Hospital University Medical Center- South Lebanon.
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