In this COVID-19 pandemic time, the LPS is launching a campaign, giving information and advice related to the COVID 19 in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases like Asthma, COPD, Allergy, vaccines, Smoking…
Outil De Dépistage – COVID-19 – Screening Tool
This test was elaborated by doctors from different specialties and different Lebanese medical schools, in collaboration with the Lebanese Society of Critical Care Medicine, the Lebanese Pulmonary...
COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS Statement of the Lebanese Pulmonary Society, The Lebanese Society of Critical Care Medicine, The Lebanese Society of Anesthesiology
7Th European Update Congress in Pneumology
نقابة الأطباء : لمنع دخول الوفود الآتية من المناطق الموبوءة
The Increasingly Local Evidence of the Association Between Air Pollution and our Deteriorating Health
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
COVID19 – Myths & Fears
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Programme du congrès annuel de la SLP 2020
بيان لجنة مكافحة التدخين- الجمعية اللبنانية للأمراض الصدرية 2019